Equine Facilitated Psychological Trauma Therapy, Human Development
& Nature-Based Wellbeing
Nurturing healing, guiding you to growth and unlocking your innate potential through authentic connection with horses and nature.
A journey of Compassion
At Windrose Horses I offer highly collaborative, trauma-informed therapeutic and developmental experiences for individuals and groups. Whether you are seeking healing after trauma, personal empowerment, spiritual growth, guidance in your self development, have a tangible goal to achieve or are feeling lost, the horses will meet you without prejudice. As an equine and client-centred practitioner, your personal agency and the choices of the horses will be honoured throughout the process. Our work together will help you understand and deepen your connection to others and the world, through compassionately coming to know your fundamental sense of Self. The often profound learning and insights gained can be integrated and applied in a myriad of ways in life beyond your interactions with the herd.
Equine Facilitated Psychotraumatology and Human Development supports…
Emotional regulation, agility and resilience
Self esteem and personal empowerment
Boundary setting and communication
Mind-body awareness
Access to your innate creativity
Your ability to navigate change
The balancing of sensitivity and strength in leadership
The building of authentic communities
Confidence in oneself and therefore your decisions
… and much more besides.
Situated on a family-run livery yard on the outskirts of London in Chislehurst, Kent, our stunning location is a peaceful setting for Equine Facilitated Psychotraumatology, Human Development and Nature-Based Wellbeing sessions conducted by an IFEEL Method qualified and National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists regulated practitioner.
You do not need any experience with horses to receive their guidance. All sessions are conducted from the ground using positive reinforcement with no riding involved, at a pace appropriate to you. I offer blended online and in-person therapy options for Psychotraumatology clients.
Nature-Based Wellbeing
Calming and grounding sessions in our beautiful location for those seeking a gently immersive experience with horses and the environment.
Why are horses powerful partners in therapy and human development?
Horses possess a unique wisdom, deeply embedded in human culture and the historical rise of our civilisations yet innately attuned to the Earth. While humans can easily become enveloped in our thoughts and are so often taught to suppress our emotions, the horses’ way of being, communicating and acting is embodied, their emotions felt without self-judgement and used to guide their responses. When we open ourselves to listening we find horses are masterful guides, quietly awakening the facets of self that exist at our core: our gifts, purpose, passions, our light – without judgement of the dark.