What is Equine Facilitated Human Development?

About EFHD

Both systematic and evidence-based and therefore grounded in established scientific and psychological principles, EFHD is an ever-unfolding process, tailored to your needs and goals, guided by your emotional, psychological and physiological states and responses along with those of the horses in any given moment.

The practice of EFHD promotes congruence – the knowing that our actions and projections of ourselves are in alignment with our internal sense of our authentic self – through refining our understanding of and sensitivity to our own emotional experience and how this is felt in the body and perceived by the mind. You will begin to differentiate between your instinctive intuition, emotional reactivity, grounded responsiveness, social conditioning and cognitive distortions. In doing so, you will recognise how these show up in your daily life and enhance your sensitivity to others. Many, sometimes all, of these processes occur below our conscious awareness until we do the work to attune to the information our brains and bodies are receiving from our environment and from within. And this is where the horses come in. Forming a connection with them through primarily non-verbal, felt mechanisms deepens our connection to our own internal world in all its complexity.

“Horses stand, beckoning, at the edge of a new wilderness – the landscape of human consciousness itself – waiting for us to accept the challenge of living life to its fullest potential.”

~ Linda Kohanov

Equine Facilitated Human Development is a catalyst for powerful change and transformation, suitable for people who possess solid emotional regulation skills and resiliency and is focussed in the present and on your future possibilities. Change is inherently hard, and we all carry experiences which may trigger stress responses through which you will be supported with care and compassion. I offer Equine Facilitated Psychotraumatology to those who are emotionally more vulnerable, are experiencing symptoms of trauma or who wish to explore aspects of their past. As part of my ethical practice I will assess and guide you to the most appropriate intervention for your needs.

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How are the horses cared for?

The horses’ physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing is fundamental, particularly as they are helping humans take care of their own.